Shuford launches mentorship program with Ravenscroft School
The pilot program linked Ravenscroft high school juniors with students in the Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship this semester; leaders hope to expand the program to other schools.
The pilot program linked Ravenscroft high school juniors with students in the Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship this semester; leaders hope to expand the program to other schools.
Priding itself on sustainability, BeAM introduced a new sustainable 3D printing filament, allPHA, to two of its makerspaces this spring. Sustainable Carolina partnered with BeAM and provided funding to quickly introduce the biodegradable filament into the space.
The new Innovate Carolina Junction will use dedicated spaces and intentional programming to promote convergence and collaboration and create a vibrant coworking community.
The competition challenges students to use systems thinking to understand complex social or environmental concerns and articulate their findings in a way that people can understand and learn from.